Safety is our main priority at Hershey Juneja Photography’s studio. We are trained in newborn care and CPR certified. We do not offer poses that will harm your baby. Your baby’s safety is our top priority.

FLU/Covid-19 Safety

Because we work closely with vulnerable clients, including newborns, small children and pregnant women, we take extra precautions, especially during flu and Covid-19 season. There is absolutely nothing more important to us than the health and safety of our clients. We will be scheduling only one newborn studio session per day, to ensure ample time for sanitization and cleaning between clients. Our staff will be wearing a mask during your session. Please contact us to hear more about the safety guidelines we following for each studio session.

*Our staff is fully vaccinated with the following shots and boosters: Flu, Covid-19, and Tdap

Updated: January 2023